Move money into your Secured Account to start spending on your Believe card. The funds in your Secured Account determine your credit limit* and will be reserved after purchases are made to pay the total balance due at the end of the billing cycle.
Use Move Your Pay to automatically deposit funds into your Secured Account with each paycheck, or you can instantly add money when you want:
- In the app, tap Varo Believe > Add Money
- Tap Move Money from the bottom navigation menu
- Transfer Money > From your Varo Bank Account
- Enter the Amount and Confirm
We only reserve money in your Secured Account for the amount of purchases and cash advances made with your Varo Believe Card. Secured money cannot be withdrawn, and is held in your Varo Believe Secured Account until you either use it to pay your statement balance or pay via another account.
To transfer money out of your Varo Believe Secured Account, open the Varo app and tap Move Money > Transfer Money > Select your Varo Believe Secured Account to transfer from, and your Varo Believe Account to transfer to.
*Spending limit of $2,500 for purchases and $1,000 for cash advances per day, totaling no more than $10,000 total per billing cycle.