Turn on Safe Pay to automatically make on time payments and help build or rebuild your credit. Safe Pay uses the funds you already have set aside in your Secured Account to pay your monthly statement balance automatically each month at the end of your billing cycle, so you never miss a payment. On-time repayment history can help build your credit score.
Safe Pay makes your payment one day after your statement is issued, about 21 days before your payment due date.
To turn on Safe Pay in your Varo App, tap Varo Believe Card > Card Details > Safe Pay.
Your credit history depends on making on-time payments for all of your credit lines. Without Safe Pay turned on, you must remember to make manual on-time payments every billing cycle by your statement due date by going to your Varo Believe card in the app and tapping the purple Pay Card button. You can make manual payments from a linked account or your Varo Believe Secured Account, or you can mail us a check.
To make a payment with a linked account, tap your Varo Believe Card > Pay Card, then select the linked account you want to make a payment from. If you make a payment from a linked account or via check, the funds in your Secured Account will be released 3 business days after the payment in full is received.
If you don’t pay on time (by the due date on your statement), your use of the Varo Believe Card may be suspended. Your payment history will be reported to the credit bureaus, and can have a negative impact on your credit.