Here's how to securely send money to anyone, even if they’re not a Varo customer, instantly and without a fee:
- Tap Move Money
- Select Varo to Anyone
- Select a recipient by entering the email address or U.S. phone number of the person you’re sending money to
💡You can update Varo's access to your contact list in your mobile device's settings to easily locate your friends and family within the app - Enter the amount you want to send
- Enter an optional note with the reason for the payment
- Tap Next to review the payment a final time
⚠️Payments can’t be canceled or reversed after the recipient claims their funds - Tap Confirm
Completed and pending payments will show in your Transaction History under Move Money > Varo to Anyone history.
Payment Limits
You can see your payment limit from the Varo to Anyone screen. The limit for the payment will display under the amount.
There are limits on the dollar amount and number of payments a Varo customer can send or receive with Varo to Anyone, and those amounts may change over time based on account activity.
If you’re sending money to someone who doesn’t have a Varo Account, they have 14 calendar days to accept the payment. If they don’t, the funds will be returned to your account.
Varo to Anyone payments between Varo customers are instant and cannot be reversed, so double check who you're sending money to before you hit Send.